Following is the template for applying to the Aion sector/branch of Equinox. Where "trial period" is listed, please know that we have no set time to get to know you. It could be a day, or a week. Things happen, in game events and activities, and of course real life. Patience is a virtue, and expressing this would lend itself towards your evaluation. Food for thought^^ Also, please place in your subject line "Aion" so we know where to look for you at. Good luck!
The Rules:
*Respect is the Rule to which we shall all abide. In all things, and in all matters, members of all ranks will treat each other with the respect they themselves deserve to be treated with. No member has the right, or the capacity, to speak to another in any way derogatory or demeaning.
*Respect is expressed in word and in actions. Please keep profanity and language of a sexual connotation to a minimum and only in situations where all involved are comfortable with the sentiments expressed.
*Respect that everyone is different. Discrimination of culture, beliefs, race, gender, religion, or any other form of personal attacks, will not be tolerated.
*Respect the privacy of what each member says .What is written on this board and in guild chat or spoken in vent are the members of Equinox only. Unless established with prior consent with all parties involved, no form on any communication will be revealed outside official Guild channels.
*Respect those outside the guild. Do not engage in any activity that brings the honorable name of Equinox down in the eyes of our Server community. It doesn’t matter if you are Leader or a member of the rank and file: You represent us all. Carry that responsibility, and that honor, with pride.
*Respect the limits of those who can help. Priority for assistance, in any form such as quests, materials and items, is reserved for Equinox members first. However, please respect that the needs and requirements for members of different levels differ, and as such should be respected. We serve each other with honor, and respect, but are not enslaved or slaves to the wills of each other either.
* Honor each individual's choice for playing the way that most serves them, so long as it brings no harm to Equinox, or its reputation as a whole. Just because it is isn't your play style, it brings neither the right nor the means to disrespect or bring it down.
*Respect the community by being an active part of it. Help yourself, and one another, and give back to the guild.Advancing your character to better aid others is one way. The collection of materials and supplies for the guild and its crafters is another. All can find a path to be of service to one another.
The Template
1. What's your in game name ?(please try to use this as your name on our forums as well^^)
2. How old are you?
3. What lvl are you? (during beta, after launch)
4. What class will you be playing as? Explain your proficiency with this class.
5. What crafting route do you plan on taking? Did you do any crafting in OB, or earlier beta events? What is your past crafting Experience?
6. Do you, or will you, have alts? (Please, list their names, if so)
7. What languages do you speak?
8. Explain how active you’re going to be, now and in the future.
9. Have you ever joined a guild in other games before? What is your opinion about those? Experiences with them? Achievements gained?
10. Will you back up Equinox in PvP/Raids? What is your raid experience?
11. What do you think about Equinox so far?
12. Do you agree to our rules? (See post above)
13. Do you agree to go through our trial period (so we get to know you better)?
14. What Country are you from?
15. Explain to us why you feel you'd be an asset to the Equinox clan, as a member and friend. What makes you special?