Following is a list and explanation of our ranks. While ranks are dealt by Seraphs only, we encourage you to submit you thoughts on promotion, be it for yourself or a clanmate. We will be a tightly knit clan, and we are aiming to be like an MMO family. If there is someone you know that deserves recognition (and isn't recieving said recognition), then please, by all means, let us know by contacting any of the Seraphs.
Seraph : A member of the Equinox Council ( a Seraph), his/her voice is that of all Equinox.All members of the council are of the same position, therefore one has no more sway over another. In this way, we keep things democratic, and vote-based. Your council seats are: Aoshi1, Zankou, Canady, Kushiel, and Sparta. They represent management of the clan.
Cherubim: (Rank 6) The highest level a clan member can achieve before the council. In times of need, these people will act as Lieutenants, and will carry the voice of the Clan.
Throne (Rank 5) Active in recruitment duties, as well as helping the Cherubim and Seraph in event planning, raid strategizing, and more.
Dominion (Rank 4) A member who has paid their dues in time and blood, and has shown thought of both Clan as well as self.
Archangel (Rank 3) A member of signifigance within the clan, showing merits on and off the feild of battle.
Angel (Rank 2) A member that has proven themselves as a sturdy and giving member of the Clan.
Martyr (Rank 1) : An official member of Equinox, ground level