Dear Ultima1985,
below you'll find my application:
What is your RL name and character name?
My name ist Jörg.
Are you at least 18 years old?
Yes, I'm 31 years.
Where are you from? I'm from Hannover, Germany
How much do you play? At the moment I play a lot. ;-) Some week it could be more than 30 hours a week.
Is it mainly weekends or any time? Any time from dusk till dawn. ;-)
Please let us know how you heard of Equinox and if you know any of our members.
I asked in the RoM Forum for a guild.
Do you have a microphone or headset to use with Ventrilo? Yes I have. But I'm not familar with Venrilo. I have used Teamspeak and Skype. But I think Ventrilo will do it too.
Do you think you can visit this website and forum at least a few times a week?
Yes of course!
Any side notes/information you have for our current Equinox members?
Ultima1985 asked me to write an application.
I'm looking forward to join an active guild!